Hacking Conway’s Law - Raffi Krikorian
OSCON 2015 in Portland
- Speed - how fast can you develop your product
- At first everything is moving fast and then everything stops
- Conway’s law
- How to split up a monolith (monrail) into Microservices
- “Setting up the teams says more about architecture than the architecture itself.”
- If I put 4 people on a team you’ll divide the project into 4 parts. If I give you 3 people, you’ll divide it into 3 parts.
- [Organizationl chart]](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:%22Org_charts%22_comic_by_Manu_Cornet.png) of the 6 companies by Manu Cornet
- “To solve technical problems, you often have to go outside the technical domain.”
- Your team structure will accidentally dictate your architecture and how fast you can move.
- It’s not about the code!
- Small teams can do big things. (Don’t overstaff small groups.)
- Full stack teams keep your architecture flexible.
- Don’t fight Conway’s Law, work with it.